В этом году солнечное затмение не могли увидеть в России. Оно прошло наискосок по всем Соединённым Штатам. Как вы уже догадываетесь, к этому страна готовилась целую неделю. Что самое странное, самым неготовым к нему оказался президент США Дональд Трамп. Но об этом в конце. А пока – лучший десяток фоток редкого явления, которое хотя бы раз надо увидеть своими глазами. В специальных очках, естественно. It was so awesome! #totaleclipse #totality Публикация от Jerry Sheng (@shineran79) Авг 21 2017 в 2:06 PDT Who watched? What a moment! By @robstrok who says, If I'm honest, I wasn't that excited for the solar eclipse, but I bought an 85$ lens and decided to shoot it for fun. The experience its self was incredible, I'm so happy I decided to go out watch it. It's funny how a 85$ lens was able to give me a usable image so I thought I'd throw it up for a few hours, I hope some of you were able to experience the amazing phenomenon as well 🙂 🌝🌚 Публикация от BEST VACATIONS (@bestvacations) Авг 21 2017 в 1:48 PDT Who watched? What a moment! By @robstrok who says, If I'm honest, I wasn't that excited for the solar eclipse, but I bought an 85$ lens and decided to shoot it for fun. The experience its self was incredible, I'm so happy I decided to go out watch it. It's funny how a 85$ lens was able to give me a usable image so I thought I'd throw it up for a few hours, I hope some of you were able to experience the amazing phenomenon as well 🙂 🌝🌚 Публикация от BEST VACATIONS (@bestvacations) Авг 21 2017 в 1:48 PDT No words 😱 I’m sure you are going to see a lot of these today. But this one was special. Hours of planning, scouting, and driving went into creating this photograph. It was on the verge of being completely ruined by clouds. But thankfully it all worked out. 📷 @bryanminear #TravelAwesome Публикация от TRAVEL AWESOME (@travelawesome) Авг 21 2017 в 1:39 PDT #Eclipse desde Hialeah, Florida 😍 Публикация от Yusnaby Pérez (@yusnaby) Авг 21 2017 в 12:51 PDT Some will say this is fake, but I took all of these pictures, obviously…. Each frame separately. I layered them side by side on photoshop. Thats it though!! ::Camera Settings Shutter:4000 Aperture:36:: iso:100 #eclipse #eclipse2017 #eclipseGA @fox5atlanta #USA #Georgia #GA #canon #DSLR #fun #family #life #amazing #views #sun #moon Публикация от Reynaldo Mata (@itsreynaldomata) Авг 21 2017 в 2:01 PDT Beautiful photo by @stanmoniz #eclipse Публикация от Clark Little (@clarklittle) Авг 21 2017 в 2:01 PDT The shadow of leaves during the #eclipse #nofilter #eclipse2017 Публикация от Mindy Bryant (@mindybryant1) Авг 21 2017 в 2:00 PDT #eclipse #totalitaly #totaleclipse Публикация от David Wilkie (@davidwilkie) Авг 21 2017 в 2:00 PDT Ну и на засыпку.
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